10 Ways To Help You Relieve Stress Almost Instantaneously

So here comes the services of towing San Jose. They are about to pull out your car that was locked in the parking lot for some reason. Another stress to an already stressful day.

Stress makes us really sick in the long run. So if you are regularly under pressure at work or privately, you can take countermeasures with relaxation methods. We’ll show you different ways to find peace and to escape the stress trap.

Long-term and regular stress loads are poison for the body and psyche. Since stressful times at work and in everyday life cannot always be avoided, it is all the more important to know how to quickly free yourself from the stress trap. These tips show you how you can prevent and act in an emergency.

10 Ways To Help You Relieve Stress Almost Instantaneously

1. Practice mindfulness
Mindfulness is the new magic word for reducing stress. With “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction” (MBSR) you train your attention and sharpen your awareness for the moment.

The central goal is that you become more mindful of yourself and your environment. In this way you can become aware of your reaction patterns in difficult situations and face stress with a new serenity.

You will also learn to deal with stressful thoughts and feelings in a more relaxed manner.

2. Humming
Have you ever noticed that some people hum in the strangest of situations?

The buzz is often associated with a relaxed attitude to life and a leisurely pace.

There is something to it, and if you hum in a critical situation, you will find yourself becoming calmer inside. Researchers explain this, among other things, by the vibration of the vocal cords, which has a soothing effect like an internal massage and lowers blood pressure.

Oxytocin is released when singing. The cuddle hormone, which also strengthens interpersonal bonds, helps to a stronger immune system, reduced pain perception, and feelings of happiness.

3. Wash your hands under warm water
Taking a warm bath is one of the most relaxing things there is. However, this is particularly difficult at such moments when everything threatens to get over your head with all the work.

But instead of dreaming of sinking into the foam while you keep running on the hamster wheel, just try washing your hands with warm water.

It instantly calms the parasympathetic nervous system; the parasympathetic nerve is also known as the “resting nerve” because it helps us to get out of a stressful situation and back into relaxation.

Now washing your hands will not immediately relax you deeply, but it will help you to take your foot off the gas and come to your senses again.

4. Take digital time out
Social media, calls, emails: constant availability is an absolute relaxation killer. In order to take a deep breath and reduce stress, it can therefore help to leave the cell phone in your pocket more often – or to turn it off completely.

However, because digital detox is not always easy, there are useful apps that block unwanted calls, messages or WhatsApp messages or encourage you to look less at your mobile phone.

Once the annoying smartphone has been shut down, there is automatically more time for a relaxing walk in the forest, a jog in the park, or a long stroll through town – depending on where you can relax best personally.

5. Take some Power naps
Treat yourself to a power nap. It will help reduce fatigue and stress levels. According to a study, researchers have proven that power naps help lower hormone levels that cause stress. Plus, it also benefits the immune system.

6. Breathe
4-7-8 is a technique that you can use to specifically reduce stress. It was developed by the doctor Dr. Andrew Weil.

This is how it works: Put the tip of your tongue behind your upper incisors – it should stay here for the entire duration of the exercise. With a sigh, breathe out completely through your mouth. Close your mouth and breathe in gently through your nose – count to four. Hold your breath and count to seven. Now breathe out completely through your mouth again, sigh and count to eight.

Repeat the cycle three times. Practice when you are in a good mood and the stress is not completely under control, then you can use the method when you are stressed. It works like an anchor that you drop to calm down.

7. Smile
Great experiences or successes put a smile on our faces. Happiness hormones are released, we are happy. Here it comes: the whole thing also works the other way around.

If you consciously smile for 60 seconds at a time, the smile muscles press on the nerve that transmits to your brain: Good mood!

Your limbic system reacts with delight and sends good hormones, cortisol is broken down, you have put yourself in a stress-relieving mode.

8. Relaxed snacking
Foods that are high in vitamin B, minerals, proteins and long-chain carbohydrates increase performance and make us resistant to stress. That’s why you should pay particular attention to what ends up in your stomach in stressful times.

9. Think positive
Negative beliefs are a common obstacle to reducing stress. The more often we tell ourselves that we can’t do something, the sooner this assumption solidifies.

Much better: Use a positive phrase for yourself: “I do a good job (even if I make mistakes)”, or: “I can do the marathon, no matter what time”.

That takes patience: Just as you have persuaded yourself to deficits over the years, you are now turning the tables – and you can use it to reduce stress.

10. Anti-Stress-Workout
Just five minutes of ” Mobility Flow ” help you relax and recharge your batteries. Fitness trainers can teach you which exercises activate the mobility of the joints, you can breathe better, and give your body and head a well-deserved break.